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Book Review
Tyrie Moss Class of ‘09

Once in a lifetime a book comes along that is not so much read as experienced, but only once in a hundred and one does a shard of       brilliance burst from the ether like The Bluest Eye to rock the very    foundation of one's soul and never let go. 
With unparalleled prose and not-often bestowed insight into the nature of humanity does  Toni Morrison carefully craft a tale of a loss of innocence that demands a deep look into one's perception of race & beauty and its evolution, or more-often corruption, as one ages. The most haunting facet of the tale is the nature of its telling. Done not from the classical "I am" point of view the story unfolds in the context of the tragedies of the community, her community, our community. Tales so familiar that if one has yet to be touched by one then one has yet to live but so saddening that to experience them all is to taste oblivion itself.
Slide Show -Tyrie gives back to his alma mater  

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